
10x your Business

You can participate in this venture in many different ways and avail the benefits of early bird offer. We have limited offer and that too only for select chosen a few trainers/coached.

The venture is promoted by leading media house of India, Prelude Media & Communication Pvt Ltd, publishing a series of magazines, daily newspapers, Coffee Table Books and Special Supplements for leading clients from across the globe, in addition to TV Channels, famous TV shows and films.

The venture is slated for IPO and is led by media personality of international repute, Ajay Kumar, who has spent 35 years in mainline media in 9 Countries and 9 States of India and is credited with leading many successful launches and running several media houses. He is known TV face of journalism and can be viewed on major TV channels on daily basis.

You can buy your slots now. Join in as business associate or partner, buy equity and shares. Fix a one to one meeting to discuss the proposals.


Coffee Table Book


*100 Best Coaches *100 Heroes

Meant for HNIs, NRIs, PMO, President House, MPs, IAS, IPS officers, PSUs, trade and Chamber etc. We have produced such books for Govt, Corporate, Delhi High Court, Advocates, noted personalities like Modi ji, events, like Mahakhumbh etc.


Let us tell the story of grit, determination and success to world through this book, proposing curated articles on you and your special photo shoot with family by ace photographers of India.


Do you consider yourself as one of the best coaches, one among 100, then this book is meant for you and you can’t skip to be there. Let’s connect and see how we figure you in this along with some of the best from training and coaching domain. Let us tell your story of grit, determination and success to world through this book, proposing curated articles on you and your special photo shoot with family by ace photographers of India.

Some of the best stories will be produced in a film and if you are lucky, you can win a brand new Mercedes C Class sedan too.
The book will be launched in a glittering function, amidst who and who of India and the Middle East, and offer you an opportunity to rub shoulders and influence the high and mighty across a wide spectrum of industry, all under one roof. Limited opportunity and selection is by invite only.
Call today for one to one meeting to know your eligibility for the same.

Trainers Jamboree

(Delhi, Dec, 2020 & Dubai March, 2021)

Yearly Function in Delhi, the event featuring best trainers of the world and India. A platform to pitch your product and learn and network with other dignitaries.
Free handholding for upcoming trainers, digital and media coverage for early fifty participants. Book your slot today. Call for details.

United Nations Delegate

(New York/Geneva, Oct, 2020)


Be a delegate in prestigious group to United Nations HQ. You may get an opportunity to address the august audience, listen to top officials of UN and leave your feet on sands of time. Only 19 slots. To be booked on first come and first serve basis.

Documentary Films


We will be producing some documentary films for some of the best trainers and tell your story through films to wider world audience. Be ready for shoot, camera, light and action……… call today only for chosen few. If your story is found intresting enough by our creative team headed by top personalities of Bollywood, NSD and Hollywood.

Coach Magazine

Magazine dedicated to coaching and training, the first in India, having circulation in Trade and Chamber bodies, SMEs, Embassies, PSUs, govt. A monthly publication to give you reach and connect at national and international level, through cover stories, articles, interviews etc. Call for you participation and fix an one to one meeting to know more about it.

Who is leading the project:


The project is conceived and created by Ajay Kumar, a known national figure of India, who has established his feet firmly on the sands of time in wide genre of industries ranging from media, films, NGOs, Social Service, politics, to business, in real estate, FMCG, Education, Training, Tour and Travels, Consultancy, Advocacy, Aviation etc and has headed top notch organistions form India and Abroad, including several government bodies and institution.
He is certified pilot and a certified trainer by Brain Singer and wears many hats and is associated with top world bodies in senior capacity in the field of law, consultancy, training and coaching, chamber of commerce and industry and diplomacy etc.

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