
Listing Details

(World Class Best Coaches, Speaker & Trainers Directory)

Congratulation for taking the first step. Kindly fill the attached form for completing the Free Listing. Details of premium listing is enclosed too. The listing starts for as low as Rs. one per day.

You can also avail this opportunity to book your copy of * World Best Coach Directory* at a 50 percent discount. The directory will connect you to 10 lakh subscribers from Corporate World to Govt, PSUs, Embassy, Banks and Institution of Higher Learning.

Check the details now and book your space at the earliest to get benefit of early bird offer. Call Now- 9818320572, or write to

We offer you many options to be associated with this unique venture and business opportunities. Join in as business associate, partner, equity investor, buy shares. Find your niche call for one-to-one meeting to discuss more. M: 9818320572.

Your Own TV Show

We are launching a first of its kind, a fully dedicated TV channel for training and coaching domain. The initiative is aimed at giving you a platform to beam your content across the globe in most effective and economical way leading you to more business, more enrolment and more money from same content and ultimately establishing you as a world class celebrity trainer in shortest possible time.
You can participate in this venture in many different ways and avail the benefits of early bird offer. We have limited offer and that too only for select chosen a few trainers/coaches.
The venture is promoted by leading media house of India,Prelude Media & Communication Pvt Ltd, publishing a series of magazines, daily newspapers, Coffee Table Books and Special Supplements for leading clients from across the globe, in addition to TV Channels, famous TV shows and films.
The venture is slated for IPO and is led by media personality of international repute, Ajay Kummar, who has spent 35 years in mainline media in 9 Countries and 9 States of India and is credited with leading many successful launches and running several media houses. He is known TV face of journalism and can be viewed on major TV channels on daily basis.

1) You can buy your slots now.
2) Join as business associate or partner, buy equity and shares.
Fix a one to one meeting to discuss the proposals. call +91 9818320572

100 Best Trainers of India Coffee-Table Book


We are going to select 100 Trainers and Coaches from India, from various domain. The journey as a trainer/coach, will be featured in this book, in most captivating and telling manner. There will be special interviews, special photo shoot and many more opportunities to establish you as a Super Trainer/Coach. The book will be launched in Delhi, in the presence of top shots from industry, corporates, govts, psus, banks and head of diplomatic mission. We have alredy published such books on Mahakhumbh Mela, PM Modi, PM Narshima Rao, PM Rajeev Gandhi, 100 Adovacates, 100 Business leaders etc.

100 Heroes
Coffee-Table Book


Are you a hero ? Is you are holding an inspiring story within you. World would like to hear you and we would like to tell that story in most captivating and telling manner. There will be special interviews, special photo shoot and many more opportunities to establish you as a Super Hero. The book will be launched in Delhi, in the presence of top shots from industry, corporates, govts, psus, banks and head of diplomatic mission. We have alredy published such books on Mahakhumbh Mela, PM Modi, PM Narshima Rao, PM Rajeev Gandhi, 100 Adovacates, 100 Business leaders etc.

Trainers Jamboree,
Delhi and Dubai

(Delhi, Dec, 2020 & Dubai March, 2021)
Yearly Function in Delhi, the event featuring best trainers of the world and India. A platform to pitch your product and learn and network with other dignitaries.

Free handholding for upcoming trainers, digital and media coverage for early fifty participants.
1) Book your slot today.
2) Book your Stall.
3) Advertising and Branding Slot. Call for details.

UN delegate

(New York/Geneva, Oct, 2020)


Every year, we take a delagation to the most prestigious organisation of the World, the UN. Be a delegate in prestigious group to United Nations HQ. You may get an opportunity to address the august audience, listen to top officials of UN and leave your feet on sands of time. Only 19 slots. The tour also comprise visit to many other famous institution, city tour and sight seeing. To be booked on first come and first serve basis.

Documentary Films


We will be producing some documentary films for some of the best trainers and tell your story through films to wider world audience. Be ready for shoot, camera, light and action……… call today only for chosen few. If your story is found intresting enough by our creative team headed by top personalities of Bollywood, NSD and Hollywood.

The Coach, Magazine

(Pan Asia Times(E) Daily, Singapore

Its only of its kind of publication in India, which will be entirely focussed on training and coaching indusrty in India. It will cover the latest news from the indusry and feature some of the best trainers and coaches, from the industry. Aimed at being a focal contact point between you and people intrested in life and business transformation, it aspires to be a leading voice of industry. You can be part of this publication,

1) Feature Trainer of the month.
2) Spotlight.
3) Buy Bulk Advertisement as Super discounted price.
4) Be a Contributor.
5) Be a member of PressCrop Army, covering the industry for us.

Membership of Business Connect International, (BCI)

BCI, is a networking platform, spread across various cities of India and country abroad, The members here, meet regularly and help each other in their business growth, Social and Educational growth too. The meeting take place both online and offline.

PressCops Team


Prelude Media, is a leading media house of the country and is looking for young and smart people who could be part of its editorial and reportig team, covering the industry for its various publication, TV Channels and special Shoots and programme. We would be giving you Press Identity Card and membership and entry to prestigious media clubs and association of World repute.

VisionBoard Army

We firmly beleive in a special law of least effort and maximum gain. We are ready to reveal this secret to the world in order to make people life less complicated and highly successful, without much ado, stress and effort. Our mission is to touch one crore life, through an army of 10,000 soliders like you. You can get trained by us and start training and mentoring people in acheiving their goals.

Who is leading the project:


The project is conceived and created by Ajay Kummar, a known national figure of India, who has established his feet firmly on the sands of time in wide genre of industries ranging from media, films, NGOs, Social Service, politics, to business, in real estate, FMCG, Education, Training, Tour and Travels, Consultancy, Advocacy, Aviation etc and has headed top notch organistions form India and Abroad, including several government bodies and institution.
He is certified pilot and a certified trainer by Brain Singer and wears many hats and is associated with top world bodies in senior capacity in the field of law, consultancy, training and coaching, chamber of commerce and industry and diplomacy etc.

Fill your details for

World Class Best Coaches, Speaker & Trainers Directory

* Congratulations you are enrolled.
* To get better mileage, we recommend you to book your listing in premium category. See details below.
* We have many other programs. Tick the box as per your suitability and interest.
* Call us at +91 98183 20572.
* Book your Directory at 50% discount. For more information visit
* Give your details for completing the listing.

Upload your Photo

Paid Highlight Rs 500/-
Box 999/-
Bigbox Rs 1999/-
Quarter page Rs 5999/-
Half page Rs 8,000/-
Full page Rs 14999/-
Online Edition (50 per cent extra)
   * MRP 499 / Copy
   * Booking price: Rs 199 (minimum 10 Copies)
   * Postal charges extra
Our Programmes:
Your Own TV Show
100 Best Trainers of India Coffee-Table Book
100 Heroes Coffee-Table Book
The Coach, Magazine (Pan Asia Times(E) Daily, Singapore
Trainers Jamboree, Delhi and Dubai
UN delegate
Documentary Films
Membership of Business Connect International, (BCI)
PressCops Team
VisionBoard Army
   * The rate is subject to change without prior notice.
   * Pay online by clicking the below button
   * Pay by Paytm or Bank Transfer or by cheque
Paytm No.: 9818320572
UPI: 9599440508@upi.
Name: Prelude Media and Communications Pvt Ltd.
Bank: Punjab National Bank
Branch: Anand Vihar, Delhi.
Ac No.: 3980002100010460
IFS Code: PUNB0398000
   * It is the sole discretion of publisher to accept the entry and publish it.

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